Serving our community one family at a time.
woman helping a senior woman

A Charif Charitable Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Burnsville, Minnesota, focused on supporting new Families based in Minnesota with housing, academic, and transportation resources. It was established to help new Minnesotan Families as they settled into our State. We are dedicated to serving our new community members as much as we can for the good of every family’s lives. We work in collaboration with sponsors and donors to deliver the programs we have carefully organized for our community members. To us, nothing feels more fulfilling than being of service to those in need. Please take comfort in knowing that your help will be celebrated by bringing Minnesotan families the joy of receiving support as they navigate their way into settling here in the United States.

Our Story
Abdullahi Charif was an eccentric, active, and loving 12-year-old with a passion to help his community. He was the light of our home and provided a bright insight into his community’s future. Abdullahi’s interests were mainly geared towards all-things engineering. At age 9, he collected his father’s business cards and ran into the basement of his home, where he pieced together a sort of “train track” and collected small beads to represent the train, he then showed his father his work proudly stating that in the future he would make flying trains, years later he revisited this idea with magnets. His eyes lit up as he passionately talked about it. Abdullahi adored his siblings and parents, showering them with love and laughter. He was a visionary, constantly creating and constantly producing new ideas. At some point around age 11, he wanted to become the first Somali Astronaut. Abdullahi wanted to create a world where everything good was possible, where there was help in every corner. Where creativity and ambitions lead to innovations that would promote support to the communities in need. This young boy was the glint of hope we saw in the future.

On February 14, 2014, our young and beloved child passed away after drowning in a public-school pool. For years, we were devastated. For years, we imagined his potential, how at a certain age he would graduate and move out. How at a certain age he would have received his bachelor’s degree, buy his first home, and build his own family. Yet all of these milestones were now a source of grief for us all. Our son was no longer here to change the world in the way he hoped to. His potential was evident to everyone he came across. His bright eyes widening with every new idea, his passion for helping others through his inventions stuck around. Although our son is no longer here with us his legacy is still very much so alive. Our love for him expanded into this foundation. Although our son may not be physically present, his mantra and goal are still very much so vivid. We wish to preserve his dreams and passion for community support by providing just that to our Minnesotan Families. We wish to provide a variety of resources to assist and empower families as they navigate through their lives.

Our Mission

It is our mission to help incoming families receive the assistance that they may need as they settle into our community. Our focus mainly revolves around providing academic, housing, employment, and transportation support to our new community members as they settle themselves into our cities. Ultimately, we wish to improve the quality of life of individuals and families who settle into our great state by compassionately serving their needs. We are accountable to the people and partners we humbly serve, transparently sharing our results, stories, and lessons along the way.

Our Vision

We envision a progressive Minnesota with happier and better lives lived by the community through sharing, connection, and service.

Our Values

  • Support – to provide the assistance needed to the best of our abilities.
  • Respect – to recognize and respond to the human dignity of every person and family.
  • Lead – to continually seek innovative and effective ways to serve our Families.
  • Care – to employ the highest standards of care, with compassion, at all times.

Our Individualized Support

Academic Support

Studies have proven that involving families in the academic process of their children will not only educate them and provide a higher success result but also provide growth in both the family’s social and financial wellbeing.

  • To be an advocate for the needs of students and families and provide access to community resources.
  • To create a foundational understanding of different activities such as swimming and art by presenting workshops/field trips for students between the age of 6 and 16.
  • To serve as a support system for students who need information, additional assistance, and referrals during the school year.
  • To create a family engaging platform that educates parents and their students as they apply for schools within their communities. We hope to bridge a stronger sense of communication and understanding between families, students, and schools.
  • To provide Scholarship assistance, may it be through the active pursuit of resources or informational workshops on applying to scholarships.
  • To create courses or connect New U.S Residents to English learning classes.

Housing Support

  • To create informational workshops for incoming families that would provide insight into their communities and what locations would best support their wishes.
  • To assist families as they search for a fitting home within their cities by creating a network of housing resources and providing detailed information about each potential location.
  • To connect with landlords, public housing services, and a widespread of housing programs to curate possible options for families who are seeking homes.

Career Readiness

  • We want to focus on helping individuals who encounter significant difficulties in employment and stability – particularly immigrants who struggled with English.
  • Create Somali speaking workshops that could help people cultivate the best possible resume and application for their potential jobs.
  • Aiding in research for a position that best aligns with the applicant’s skills and academic foundation.


  • Providing transportation as needed between locations of work, school, or community events for families in need.
  • Providing transportation to organized events for families and students so they can partake in their communities and create long-lasting bonds.
happy people